Tuesday, April 14, 2020

5th IHRM Webinar

Join us for the 5th Free IHRM Webinar, where Advocate Steve Ogolla, will be discussing the Impact of COVID-19 on Employment Law, OSHA & HR Compliance. Don't miss out! -
Click here: https://bit.ly/2ye0Eom | Password: 695791


  1. Hi Rose,

    Thank you for the great meoderation during the webinars and congratulations on their success. Today's webinar was very insightful and I would like to once again to thank Steve for the on-point delivery. Can you please request for the presentation? Thanks

    1. Thank you for the feedback. To access all IHRM Webinar Series Videos
      Subscribe here>>>>>>>https://bit.ly/2Vfvyof
